
Friday, June 18, 2010

John Ball Zoo

My husband and I took a trip to our local zoo this summer. 

We saw Pelicans hanging out with ducks.  Later we observed the Pelicans swimming.  One of my husband's favorite animals are ducks.

Another of his favorite animals are penguins.  One even went for a swim and a closer look at us!

This brown bear enjoyed observing us from the cool water.

This crow was interested in the crow sounds my husband made from a bird application on his I-Pod touch.  We could tell he recognized the sound, but had trouble finding the crow making the noise!  Other birds in another location were also interested in the sounds the device made.

We were able to pet some sweet and friendly baby goats.

We fed some birds.  They were quite happy to perch on our sticks or a near-by branch and eat our offerings.

One of my favorite animals was this wolf.  I know he looks like a fox, but it's a wolf.  Unfortunately I do not remember his full name.

We also observed this recently created live wall.  I'm sure it will look great once it grows in some more.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Flowers

A few weekends ago my husband took me to check out a local greenhouse.  While there we purchased a hanging basket for our deck.  Since we live in an apartment we don't have our own garden, but it is nice to have some summer color!
We also purchased this fun watering can to help me water.